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Minihästen Carnival är lika liten som en hund och får plats i en skottkärra

07 sep, 2015
author Lotta Hofström
Lotta Hofström
Tipsa oss!
Carnival fick inte tillräckligt med mat och förblev pytteliten. Nu är den lilla schetlandsponnyn lika hög som två Pringles-burkar staplade på varandra och en av de minsta hästarna i världen.

När schetlandsponnyn Carnival räddades av Brownbread Horse Rescue trodde volontärerna först att han var en hund. Med en höjd på 60 centimeter, motsvarande två Pringles-burkar på varandra, är det lilla fölet den minsta hästen som någonsin satt sin hov på hjälpcentret.

Mini horse Carnival, Battle East Sussex. See SWNS story SWHORSE; A horse rescue centre have taken in their smallest ever guest à a tiny foal the same size as a DOG. Carnival the miniature Shetland Pony stands just 24 inches tall - the same height as two cans of Pringles. The tiny little cream foal was rescued by volunteers at Brownbread Horse Rescue alongside her mum Misty, who is only a few inches taller à because they were being treated as DOGS.
Minihästen räddades av Brownbread Horse Rescue. Foto: Bulls

Volontären David Christman hade aldrig sett en så liten schetlandsponny förut. Nu behöver Carnival äta sig stor och stark.

David Christman with tinney Carnival, Battle East Sussex. See SWNS story SWHORSE; A horse rescue centre have taken in their smallest ever guest à a tiny foal the same size as a DOG. Carnival the miniature Shetland Pony stands just 24 inches tall - the same height as two cans of Pringles. The tiny little cream foal was rescued by volunteers at Brownbread Horse Rescue alongside her mum Misty, who is only a few inches taller à because they were being treated as DOGS.
Carnival tillsammans med volontären David Christman. Foto: Bulls

Carnival räddades från ett liv i misär. Nu bor han tillsammans med sin mamma Misty och nya kompisen Polly.

ex Polo horse Polly with Carnival, Battle East Sussex. See SWNS story SWHORSE; A horse rescue centre have taken in their smallest ever guest à a tiny foal the same size as a DOG. Carnival the miniature Shetland Pony stands just 24 inches tall - the same height as two cans of Pringles. The tiny little cream foal was rescued by volunteers at Brownbread Horse Rescue alongside her mum Misty, who is only a few inches taller à because they were being treated as DOGS.
Carnival har blivit kompis med den betydligt längre Polly. Foto: Bulls

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owner Dinty Steains with ex Polo horse Polly and David Christman with Carnival, Battle East Sussex. See SWNS story SWHORSE; A horse rescue centre have taken in their smallest ever guest à a tiny foal the same size as a DOG. Carnival the miniature Shetland Pony stands just 24 inches tall - the same height as two cans of Pringles. The tiny little cream foal was rescued by volunteers at Brownbread Horse Rescue alongside her mum Misty, who is only a few inches taller à because they were being treated as DOGS.
Hjälpcentrets ägare Dinty Steains med Carnival, Polo och volontären David Christman. Foto: Bulls

Minihästen får plats i en skottkärra.

mini horse Carnival, Battle East Sussex. See SWNS story SWHORSE; A horse rescue centre have taken in their smallest ever guest à a tiny foal the same size as a DOG. Carnival the miniature Shetland Pony stands just 24 inches tall - the same height as two cans of Pringles. The tiny little cream foal was rescued by volunteers at Brownbread Horse Rescue alongside her mum Misty, who is only a few inches taller à because they were being treated as DOGS.

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